Hello everyone,
someone asked to post dialogues and real life situations, give advice how to behave in everyday life, when we go out or do one of thousands of ordinary things. And today we are at the shops. I will present different versions of a situation, because there are various types of shops;) I did not translate the whole dialogues, because it wouldn't make sense. Difficult words or phrases are listed in mini dictionary, so feel free to take a look at it whenever it's needed! Hope you enjoy it!
someone asked to post dialogues and real life situations, give advice how to behave in everyday life, when we go out or do one of thousands of ordinary things. And today we are at the shops. I will present different versions of a situation, because there are various types of shops;) I did not translate the whole dialogues, because it wouldn't make sense. Difficult words or phrases are listed in mini dictionary, so feel free to take a look at it whenever it's needed! Hope you enjoy it!
Mini dictionary:
Salesman - sprzedawca
Customer service - dział klienta
On stock - na stanie
Available - dostępny
Delivery - przesyłka
Changing room - przymierzalnia
Item - rzecz
Return policy - zasady reklamacji
It will do - powinno pasować, póki co wystarczy, nada się
A set of jewellry - komplet biżuterii
Diameter - średnica
Household appliances - urządzenia domowego użytku
Adjustable - możliwy do wyregulowania
How much is it? How much does it cost? - Ile to kosztuje
Wrapping paper - papier do pakowania
French pastry - casto francuskie
Wholemeal bread - pieczywo pełnoziarniste
Leavened bread - pieczywo na zakwasie
Preservatives - konserwanty
Warranty - gwarancja
Discount (15% off) - Zniżka 15%
On special - w promocji
Box set - zestaw książek, wielopak (np zestaw 4 książek w pudełku)
What size are you? - Jaki nosisz rozmiar?
Do you have any preferences? - Masz jakieś preferencje?
Can I have it one size bigger/smaller? - Czy mogę dostać to dostać w większym/mniejszym rozmiarze?
What are you looking for? - Czego szukasz?
Could you be more specific? - Czy mogłabyś mi podać więcej szczegółów?
Could you describe it? - Mogłabyś to opisać?
What discounts do you offer? - Jakie macie zniżki?
How can I become a patron? - Jak mogę zostać stałym klientem?
Do you own a patron card? - Posiadasz kartę stałego klienta?

Salesman: Hello, how can I help you?
You: Hello. I'm looking for a pair of jeans, preferably dark blue denim colour.
Salesman: Do you like straight, tight or rather loose jeans?
You: Straight, please.
Salesman: What size are you?
You: I wear usually 28 in waist and 32 in length.
Salesman: I'm sorry, but we have different measurements: from 6 to 14.
You: Oh, I guess 8 or 10 should fit well... Could you check if you have any in the store, please?
Salesman: Of course, no problem. Please, follow me and I will show you on my computer what I can offer.
A moment later, jeans were found.
Here you are. At the end of this department you will find changing
rooms. If you experience any trouble, please call me.
You: Thank you for your help!
Salesman: You're welcome.
Salesman: Hello, how can I help you?
You: Hello. Well, I need a dress for my sister's wedding, it is in a few weeks.
Salesman: Mhm, is there anything you would like it to look like?
You: I thought about something in a red colour, knee-length, with cap sleeves and low-cut.
You: I think I can help you... What size do you need?
You: M, if available.
I'm sorry, but we don't have it on stock at the moment. I can check if
it is available in other stores or maybe I can order it for you?
You: How long will it take to deliver the dress?
Salesman: About two to three days.
You: I would like to order the dress in a smaller size if it's not a problem.
Salesman: Of course not. I am happy to help. Could you give me your last name?
You: Ms XYZ. Can I contact you somehow to see if the dress has arrived?
Salesman: If you write down your e-mail, a message will be automatically sent to you when it is in the store.
You: And what is the return policy? In case the dress doesn't fit well.
Salesman: We have a very helpful staff in customer service over there. They will explain the return policy in detail.
You: That's even better. Thank you!
Salesman: Hello, how can I help you?
You: Hello. I found this shirt, but I need a bigger size.
Salesman: You can find them over there, I will show you.
You: Thank you. *finds the right size* Could you also tell me how it fits?
Where is the changing room?
Salesman: Changing room is in front of the entrance. Is there anything else I can do for you?
You: Do you happen to know if this shirt is available in different colours?
Sales: Yes, this shirt goes in yellow, grey, pink, blue and black as well. Would you like me to bring them for you?
You: If you were so kind, yes, please.
Salesman: However you can take only 5 items to the changing room.
You: Oh, it's good to know. I think I won't try the grey shirt, only colourful ones. Thank you!
Salesman: You're welcome.
Salesman: Hello, can I help you somehow?
You: Hello. Yes, I need heels for the end of my academic year. I'm looking for something classy, but modern-looking.
Salesman: Do you prefer high heels above 3 inches?
You: Yes, anything above 2.5 inches will do.
Salesman: Do you have any preferences when it comes to colour or material?
You: Black or grey, it would be great if they were made of leather...
Salesman: I think I can give you two pairs to try on and you can see which shoes you like more.
You: Thank you, that would be very sweet of you.
Salesman: You're welcome.
You: Hello, I'm looking for a set of jewellry: a bracelet, earrings and a necklace
Salesman: Hello. We have a wide range of jewellry sets. Would you like anything in silver, gold?
You: Silver, but something delicate, with no big elements or shiny rocks.
Salesman: Let me see... I can offer you something of this kind, but it has a ring instead of a bracelet.
You: Hm... I already do have a ring and I figured I could wear the bracelet separately. Is there anything you could show me?
Maybe something of this kind? It looks glamorous, but does not make you
look old, it's very classy and will suit you perfectly.
You: Is the length of the bracelet adjustable?
Salesman: Yes, you can fit the diameter of the bracelet to the size of your wrist.
You: How much is the whole set?
Salesman: 119 dollars for a bracelet, earrings and a necklace. Do you want me to pack them in a wrapping paper?
You: Yes, please. Thank you!
Salesman: You're welcome.

You: Good morning, do you have fresh veggies?
Salesman: Yes, of course. What would you like?
You: Three big carrots, one cabbage, two tomatoes, a bunch of radish and one cucumber.
Salesman: Okay... Is there anything I can do for you?
You: Yes, indeed. Can I get here some bread and a frozen french pastry?
We only have bread, I would recommend leavened bread or whole meal
bread. Unfortunately, we don't currently have french pastry at all,
You: Oh, it's a pity... Is there any chance you will have it soon?
I'm afraid not, ma'am. We only sell fresh products, neither frozen nor
with preservatives, so I'm afraid I cannot help with that. However, we
have freshly baked croissants.
You: Thank you for your help, but I need the pastry. How much do I pay?
Salesman: 7 dollars forty-eight. Thank you, have a nice day!
You: Hello, where do I find MP3 players?
Salesman: Hello. You can find those in the next alley, next to CD players and radios. I can take you there if you want?
You: No, thank you.
*Finds an MP3 player*
You: Excuse me, how much memory does this MP3 hold? It's not written on the back.
Salesman: Have you checked the producer's box? I'm sure it's not less than 2G.
You: Because I'm looking for something which can hold up to 1500 songs. Will 2G be enough?
I would suggest going up to 4G. However the decision is yours. And
here's the box with all the information you need. Is there anything else
I can do for you?
You: Yes, where can I find an alley with household appliances?
Salesman: Could you be more specific? It's pretty big.
You: I need a toaster for sandwiches.
Go straight ahead, then turn left and when you see cookers, you're in
the right spot. And don't forget to visit the customer service to start
your warranty!
You: Thank you!

You: Hello, two tickets for tomorrow for Happy B'day's concert, please.
Salesman: Hello. Do you want discount tickets or normal?
You: What discounts do you offer?
Salesman: 70% off for seniors, 50% off for students if you show your school IDs or 25% off for a family.
You: I guess school discount will do. How much is it?
19 dollars. The concert starts tomorrow at 7pm, here you have your row
and seat numbers, after the concert there will be a meeting with the
band, but it's only for VIPs.
You: So... how do you become a VIP?
Salesman: If you pay 5 extra dollars to eat ticket, then you will be allowed to go backstage.
You: I think I'll pass... Thanks for your help, cheers!
Salesman: Hello, can I help you somehow?
You: Hello. Actually yes, thanks. I'm looking for a book titled "The Hunger Games". But I can't find it...
Salesman: Oh, let's see. It's become quite popular recently, so we have it on special.
You: Oh, really? That's great, because I wanted to buy all three parts at once.
salesman: We have them in a special box set, currently there are two types available - special edition and regular one.
You: What is the difference between them?
Special edition features an extra booklet with the author's personal
thoughts on the characters and the plot, she reveals what changes she
has introduced and there are extensive profiles of the main characters.
It comes with an elegant book case of course. And regular box set
contains three parts and the price is slightly lower.
You: Is the special edition a hardcover one? And what is the price?
Salesman: Yes. The price is 65 dollars. There's a 15% discount if you own our patron card.
You: Oh, that's great! I'll take it then, thank you a lot for your help!
Salesman: You're welcome.
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