[artykuł przeniesiony z poprzedniego adresu]
Like I said some time ago, I will write notes about biology from time to time. Today it's time for life processes :)
All living organisms are composed of units called cells. The simplest organisms are made from single cells, but more complex plants and animals are multicellular, composed of millions of cells.

unicellular amoeba and multicellular plant
In a multicellular organism there are many different types of cells with different structures. They are specialised so that they can carry out our particular functions in the animal or plant. Despite all the differences, there are basic features that are the same in all cells.
There are seven life processes which are common to most living things.
Organisms:• feed - either by making food, as in plants, or eating other organisms, as animals do
• excrete - get rid of toxic waste products
• move - by the reaction of muscles in animals, and slow growth movements in plants
• grow - increase in size and mass, using materials from their food
• respire - get energy from their food
• respond to stimuli - are senstive to changes in their surroundings
• reproduce - produce offspring.
be composed of - składać się z
units - jednostki
complex (adj.) - złożony
carry out - wykonywać
particular - określone
features - funkcje
get rid of - pozbyć się
excrete - wydalać
susurroundings - otoczenia
respire - oddychać
respond to stimuli - reagować na bodźce
offspring - potomstwo
Next time I'm going to write about cell structure.
All living organisms are composed of units called cells. The simplest organisms are made from single cells, but more complex plants and animals are multicellular, composed of millions of cells.

unicellular amoeba and multicellular plant
In a multicellular organism there are many different types of cells with different structures. They are specialised so that they can carry out our particular functions in the animal or plant. Despite all the differences, there are basic features that are the same in all cells.
There are seven life processes which are common to most living things.
Organisms:• feed - either by making food, as in plants, or eating other organisms, as animals do
• excrete - get rid of toxic waste products
• move - by the reaction of muscles in animals, and slow growth movements in plants
• grow - increase in size and mass, using materials from their food
• respire - get energy from their food
• respond to stimuli - are senstive to changes in their surroundings
• reproduce - produce offspring.
be composed of - składać się z
units - jednostki
complex (adj.) - złożony
carry out - wykonywać
particular - określone
features - funkcje
get rid of - pozbyć się
excrete - wydalać
susurroundings - otoczenia
respire - oddychać
respond to stimuli - reagować na bodźce
offspring - potomstwo
Next time I'm going to write about cell structure.
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