Hello everyone!
Today I will share with you some of the tips and
tricks I used to learn English and not to be afraid of using it;) It's
not that uncommon, that people struggle with communication - they are
afraid to speak their mind, they can't quickly respond to asked
questions or describe things that surround them. Do you know this
feeling when you can fluently say anything in your mind, but when it
comes to saying it out loud, you just can't? If your answer is yes, you
are welcome to use presented methods to overcome it!
uncommon - niezwykły, niespotykany
struggle - zmagać się z czymś
respond - odpowiadać, reagować
fluently - płynnie
overcome - przezwyciężyć
learn by heart - wykuć na pamięć
flashcards - fiszki
equivalent - zamiennik, odpowiednik
recall - przypomnieć sobie
pile - stosik
spare - zapasowy
effort - wysiłek
displayed - wyświetlony, pokazany
labelled - oznaczony
visible - widoczny
insurmountable - nie do przejścia, nie do pokonania
spot - zauważyć, wychwycić
fragile - delikatny
discouraged - zniechęcony
thing - you must learn words to be able to construct sentences.
However, a big mistake that I've noticed is that teachers give students
long lists of words and students are forced to learn them by heart. NO,
it DOESN'T WORK this way. When you have a context, then you can make out
the meaning from it or remember in what circumstances it was used. When
you have an article about Christmas, it is much easier to learn
Christmas vocabulary rather than when you have a list of mixed words
from different areas of knowledge. You will probably remember only a

- make flashcards.
can either make them yourself or buy them in a bookshop. What are they?
Little pieces of paper on which sides you write a Polish word/phrase
and its English translation. It helps you to memorize words very quickly
and you can learn them freely and spontaneously. You look at one side
with either polish or English word and recall its equivalent in another
language. Then you turn it over and see if you were right. If you do,
put it on top of one pile and if you don't, on top of another. This way
you know which words you still need to work on and which you know
perfectly. Making flashcards yourself is time-consuming, however you can
store them in your...

- vocabulary box.
a great invention to store your flashcards, but also use them anytime
you want! You can revise learnt vocabulary whenever you feel like it or
have a spare moment. You can buy it, but you can as well use an old
shoes box or any other cardboard box you have at home, cut out a hole in
the top part, put some nice stickers or paper to make it pretty and
here it is. Keep it on your window sill or a shelf above your desk, in a
visible place and when you are watching TV or surfing the net, just put
your hand inside and take a flashcard, see if you remember the word and
put it back inside. It's as simple as that and very useful!

- list of words
you don't find flashcards helpful enough to spend time on making them,
you can try making a list of word. I know, you probably have it in your
notebook or course book, but remember, rewriting things many time helps
you memorize them much faster and much better. Make a clear, neat list
with English words on one side and polish equivalents on the other side.
This way you can cover one side and check if you remember the meaning
and translation of them. It doesn't take too much time or effort and you
can always take the list with you and revise vocabulary on the bus or
when you have a free moment at school. You can also use a special
notebook that is divided into special sections for words and their
translations, and it's labelled with letters on the margin.

- online quizzes.
when you are simply lazy or have little time to revise, go online and
find vocabulary quizzes! Put in google "polish english vocabulary test
... (chosen topic, i.e.: food, family, shop)". Usually it works similar
to flashcards - a word is displayed and you have to write in given space
its translation. Here are some examples of websites where you can find

- word of the day
to add some fun to learning and whenever you see a word you like, make
it your word of the day! You liked a word "insurmountable"? Try to use
it as many times as possible, write it on a piece of paper and pin it to
your corkboard or write at the back of your notebook. Then change it
when you spot another word you like, i.e. fragile. Write it somewhere
visible, stick it on your closet door or mirror and you will remember it
very quickly, because it will be around you! Use colourful paper and
black marker so you can remember it without thinking too much. You
really will be surprised how well this method works - I still use it!

- talk aloud
helps a lot when you hear yourself speaking. Think of what stops you
from talking in your class - you speak to slowly? You don't like your
voice? You can't relax or find a good word? Remember that when you know
more, you feel better and more confident about your skills and
therefore, you are not afraid of speaking. That's why practise learnt
vocabulary at home first, speak aloud, construct sentences which contain
those words and don't be discouraged by little mistakes or errors -
everyone makes them and they are unavoidable in the process of learning.
You can also go on English chat sites and practice writing first and
then read out loud what you have just written - it will help you
construct similar phrases and sentences in the future. Have you heard of
omegle? Or talking in English on GG? Google them!

- practice! Books, magazines, articles
Try to use learnt vocabulary, find articles that are connected with the topic of words you learnt, read books or magazines in English, because this is the best and most proper way to learn new words, see how they can be used and they are given in the right context. Don't be afraid of not understanding everything and start with simple books. I'm sure that you can find a few in your school or public city library. If not, try looking up e-books online. There's nothing that can stop you :)
Ant the most important thing that you need to realise - learning DOES REQUIRE YOUR INVOLVEMENT. You always have to give first to see the outcome. So when you learn, do it properly - it will save your time, effort and will only motivate you to expand your knowledge. Everyone has its own favourite and most effective way of learning, so write in comments below which method you prefer or maybe there are new ones that I haven't heard of?
Good luck! :)
Teach Yourself English Vocabulary is a best IELTS book.
ReplyDeleteOh, I have never heard of his book before. Do you think it's available at public libraries? I've read the description you'd linked and it sounds really interesting. I would like to take a look at it, so I'll have to find it.
DeleteThanks for the information!