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Hello everyone! Today we're continuing our trip around Australia to
visit the most popular, but also most breathtaking places there are. In
the map below you can see what places we visited last time and where
we're heading today. Enjoy our trip! :)
Mini-dictionary:enriching - wzbogacającydepict - przedstawiaćfragile - delikatnytropical rainforest - las deszczowy tropikalnysand dune - wydma piaszczystaindigenous people - rdzenni mieszkańcydescendant - potomekcarnivore - mięsożercamarsupial - torbaczmollusc - mięczakdetrimental - szkodliwy, niszczącyimpact - wpływ7. Fraser Island
the place I personally want to see the most. I got fascinated after I
read a very long and enriching article in National Geographic Magazine,
with great pictures depicting amazing landscapes and unique wildlife.
The place is almost deserted, with relatively little tourists, on
purpose of course, not to destroy this fragile ecosystem. It is the
biggest sand island in the world and it is constantly moving! It
contains all various types of biological and geographical formations -
tropical rainforests, sandy dunes, eucalyptus woodlands and beatuiful
long beaches.
Island is located on Coral See, Pacific Ocean, is the state of
Queensland. Surprisingly, it's a great source of fresh water - it's
drinkable. It is also a part of Great Sandy National Park, due to its uniqueness and great geographical value. In
the past, Fraser Island was occupied by the Butchulla people -
indigenous inhabitats of this place. Unfortunately, after colonization
started in 1840s, the number of them decreased vastly and now only a few
descendant cultivate and spread their knowledge about their culture.
can you do there? Well, go sightseeing! But not in a typical,
comfortable way, no. Experience an extraordinary time wandering through
the tropical rainforest or fishing in the ocean :) You can also try and
spot a dingo, which lives on the island. Have fun!I recommend reading more about this beautiful place! CLICK6. Tasmania
part of the country, an island and a state at the same time. It is
known as usual for its exceptional nature, unique geological forms, rare
flora and inspiring landscapes - probably that is the reason for its
unofficial name "Island for Inspiration". Another name for Tasmania is
Apple Island, due to production and harvesting apples. Weather
conditions are perfect for it. It is world's 26th biggest island and the
capital city is Hobart. As in case of all australian tertory,
Tasmania also used to be settled by Aborigines and only a few
descendants remained till now. However, you can find a very interesting
animal there - Tasmanian devil! Yes, it does exist. It's a marsupial,
dog-size, black carnivore with a very unpredictable character. Be
of Tasmania is covered by National Parks which indicates that the
nature is extremely precious and one of a kind. It also has the cleanest
air in the world and one of cleanest freshwater! 5. Great Barrier Reef
largest coral ecosystem. Located on the north-east coast of Australia.
It contains thousands of coral, fish and mollusc species. Chosen as
Queensland's most important icon. A place of great ecological
importance, made of more than 2800 smaller coral reefs. It is a really
colourful formation due to many algae which can be found in the Great
Barier Reef, but also many kinds of fish and corals.
is one of the most well-known and often visited tourist attraction.
It's not surprising - you can dive and admire this beatuiful ecosystem
from a close up! Unfortunately, stress caused by human activity in this
region has a detrimental impact on the Great Barrier Reef. Some of the
species are threathened with extinction and there is increasing water
and air pollution. It is home to many rare species like Dugong or Green
Sea Turtle.
Barrier Reef is the only natural structure that can be seen from earth -
it's 344400 square kilometers big - it's more than Italy! Over 1
million people visit and enjoy the Great Barrier Reef each year and it
became World Heritage, listed and classed as one of the seven natural
wonders of the world.And
that's it for today. Soon there will be the last part of our journey,
but noone said it will be our very last ;) See you soon!
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