Last time I wrote about Canada, a country that is prominent (wiodąca) in many aspects: life quality, nature and jails ;) I hope you are prepared for some information Australia. I haven't posted anything Australia-related in a while, so today I want to show you some amazing surprises that you may come across in this country!
As you might now, currently Australia has summer. The seasons there are the other way round than on the northern hemisphere (półkula), so when we have summer, in Australia it's winter, when we have spring - they have autumn. In contrary to Poland, the seasons don't start in the middle of the month, i.e. 21. December, but on the 1st of a month: Summer starts simultanously (równocześnie) with December, Autumn starts when March begins, etc. Easier to remember, isn't it? ;)

Do you know that approximately (około) 24% of people in Australia were born elsewhere! Three main countries from which the immigrants come are:
- UK and Ireland 6.35%
- New Zealand 1.7%
- Italy 1.32%
You all have probably heard about the new rule of rounding (zaokrąglanie) the bills to reduce (zmniejszyć) the number of 1-groszy coins in the circulation (obieg). In Australia there are already no 1 or 2 cent coins! When something costs $13.02, it's rounded down to $13, but when something costs $13.04, it's rounded up to $13.05. They also have different notes, which... are made of PLASTIC!
Plastic money are almost impossible to damage, rip (podrzeć), burn or counterfeit (sfałszować). They even have a little see-through (przeźroczysty) part in the corner.
50 cent coin is also unusual - it is edgy (kanciasta).
The notes' values are: $5, $10, $20 and $100.
The coins' values are 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents.
(click the images to enlarge)
Australia is also known for its sunny and warm weather. Do you also know, that due to the high skin cancer rate, kids are taught a Slip-Slop-Slap technique, to avoid detrimental (szkodliwy) sun radiation. What is hidden behind these mysterial S's?
Slip on a shirt (nałóż koszulkę)
Slop on sunscreen (nałóż krem przeciw opalaniu)
Slap on a hat (noś czapkę albo kapelusz)
Further on two more S's have been added:
Seek shade (przebywaj w cieniu)
Slide sunnies (noś okulary przeciwsłoneczne)
Australia is almost famous for its love for big things. You can find there:
- The Big Banana
- The Big Pineapple
- The Big Orange
- The Big Rocking Horse
- The Big Axe (pictured above)
- The Big Lobster
- The Big Prawn
- The Big Golden Guitar
- The Big Merino
Australia is also a very dangerous place. It's the only continent that is at the same time a country and an island. Because it's separated from everything around it, it developed and preserved flora and fauna typical and uniqe only for this place. There are 1,500 species of Australian spiders and some of them are super-deadly and dangerous for people, i.e. funnel-web (ptasznik australijski) or redback (kuzyn czarnej wdowy).
When you go bush-walking, you should look out for snakes like: tiger snake, brown snake or the taipan, which can kill a person with just one bite. Fortunately, as long as you don't tease (prowokować) them, you will be safe.
Also be careful when you go for a swim! When you see warnings about Blue Ring Octopus, Blue Bottles, the Box Jellyfish or sharks, better comply (dostosować się) with them, unless you want to end your stay in hospital.
You have nothing to worry about if you read the warnings and don't ignore them ;)
When you want to bake something in Australia and you need yeast (drożdże) to do so, you will have a hard time finding live yeast! Yes, you can only get dry yeast in sachets that you add to all your ingredients. Funny, isn't it?
And the last thing... getting a driving license!
Do you know that in order to get a full driving license, you have to hold a provisional licence (tymczasowe prawo jazdy) for at least 3 years? And after getting a full licence, you have to renew it ever 3-5 years and pass the driving exams once again? No wonder why Australia has a low rate of car accidents.
It is also obligatory, that every person riding a bike must wear a helmet. You can get fines if you don't.
It is also obligatory, that every person riding a bike must wear a helmet. You can get fines if you don't.
I hope you enjoyed our short journey through Australia! If you have any questions or simply want to know more, just write in the comments!
ReplyDeletez tej strony Mag z Grupowa, który usłużnie informuje, że Pleasure of english zostało nominowane do Liebster Award. Więcej informacji na pierwszej stronie Grupowa. :)
P.S. Dostałam zawrotów głowy od takiej ilości angielskiego na jednej stronie o.O'
can you write something like that about Germany? Please ;)
ReplyDeleteHm, I guess I could write something like that about Germany, even if it isn't an English speaking country ;)
DeleteWould you like to know something specific?
Thanks for leaving the comment!
No I don't think so ;) just general informations :) that would be really great.
DeleteZamiast "can" w tytule, użyłbym "may". :P
ReplyDeleteHej, mam pytanie. Niezwiązane z postem, ale tu pewnie najszybciej zostanie dostrzeżone :)
ReplyDeleteMam na swoim logu umieszczone króciutkie opowiadanie pisane po angielsku (mojego autorstwa). Nie chcielibyście wrzucić go do linków, jeśli się wam spodoba?
Link do noweli:
Pozdrawiam ;)
DeleteAustralia is a such interesting country. I hope I'll visit it one day! Australian cities are similar to American cities. There is a lot of scyscrapers. That's why I want to see it.
ReplyDeleteHOpe there's not much of mistakes in rhat what I've just writen.
Oh yes, it definitely is! I haven't visited all major Australian cities (there aren't many of them, but they are located so far away from each other), but only they have skyscrapers. Other towns are very low - buildings do not have more than 3 stories, the roads are broad and it's very spacious. Have you been to the USA?
DeleteAnd your comment is very well written, thanks for it! :)
Hi Raszka! Have you started studying old Australian bush poems yet? BTW Have you met any real bushmen? Do they have more to do with mush or with men these days? Check this one out:
ReplyDeleteNo, I have only heard about them. And in fact it's hard to meet real bushmen in a city, you'd have to go to the Outback, which is a pretty big journey. I wish I could answer your questions, but I don't think I've had enough experience so far to help ;) But I will ask around, becuase you got me interested!
DeleteThanks in advance!