Hey everyone:) Today we have some dialogues connected to school and real life situations. Tell me what you think about it and have fun reading them! Have a nice week!
school subject - przedmiot szkolny
mark/grade - stopień, ocena
deadline - termin
group/team work - praca grupowa
essay - wypracowanie
submit - oddać np pracę domową
break - przerwa
bell - dzwonek
by bus - autobusem
on foot - na pieszo
be late/be on time - spóźnić się/być na czas
deadline - termin oddania pracy
submit - złożyć pracę
staff room - pokój nauczycielski
corrections - poprawki
crammer - kujon
enrolment - rekrutacja
apply - złożyć papiery (w tym przypadku np na studia)
- Hi Katy, am I late already?
- Hey Lily, no, luckily you made it on time. What took you so long?
- I was doing my homework on the bus.
- You haven't done it at home?
- No, I haven't, I had no time to do it.
- How come? It wasn't too hard and the deadline was set 2 weeks ago.
- I know, I know. I just forgot about it and then I got caught up watching Dancing with the Stars.
- You know it was irresponsible? You shouldn't do everything on the last minute.
- I know it, but I can't turn back time. I wouldn't submit it today anyway. Anyways, let's enter the class now before we are late. This time for real.
- Hello students, today we're going to deal with our class project titled "Tutti Frutti". John, remind us please what it is about.
- Through this project students from our class intend to encourage all the people to eat more vegetables and fruits in order to improve health and prevent from heart diseases.
- Well summarized, John. I would like you to tell me now how you cooperated within the smalls groups you created. Anne?
- We decided to create a poster about advantages of including more fruits and vegetables into a diet. We depicted such aspects as longer life, stronger heart, better well-being and more tasty meals. The materials we used were a glue stick, scissors, food and health magazines, stickers, colour papers and colour pencils. And of course our imagination!
- Thank you, your poster really looks great! Dean, can you tell us about your team work?
- Of course, mr Shaun. We decided to go for something a little different and we directed a movie, or to be more specific, Mike did. I wrote the script, Maria took care of costumes and the rest of the group starred in the movie, which of course speaks about advantages of a healthy diet. We also asked Mike's father who is a doctor to say a few words about the advantages, to make it look more professional.
- Wow, that sounds great guys, I can't wait to see your movie! Who else wants to present their work? Leanne?
- Yes, mr Shaun. I worked alone due to my sickness, so I wrote an article about our project, which will be published in the school magazine. I wasn't sure what the other groups prepared, so I came up with an idea to popularize our project among other students and make sure that it gets deserved attention. I also created a survey, which should tell us what people think about the project and check their food preferences.
- That is a really good idea, Leanne, thank you for that. I must say I'm really surprised with your involvement in the project. You all showed you can cooperate with each other, you know what team work is about and that only the sky is your limit. Well done!
- Hello guys, today we need to set some deadlines regarding the exams. Mary, can you go to the teacher room for the register? Say that the form master needs it and would like to write everything in.
- No problem.
- Thank you. And now, have you already started preparing for your final exams?
- We're not crammers, mrs Sun. There's still time to learn the material.
- I hope you won't fail any of them, Max. I want you all to be happy graduates in July.
- We will, there is not so much material to memorize.
- I'm glad you're so optimistic and ambitious. Today we will do past exam papers on biology and then summarize the results you will have got. everyone must take part in this lesson, understood?
- Yes!
- You can treat it like a mock exam, so be focused, don't cheat or you will be sent to the headmaster's office. This time you will be given grades for your results.
- Mrs Sun, I couldn't find the register and I've looked everywhere, also in the staff room.
- Okay, I will find it during the break. I will be handing the papers out now. Do not open your papers until I instruct you to do so. Ready? Let's start.
- Let's talk about proper behaviour at school. You know that recently we have struggled with bullies and bullying other kids. I'm sure you are aware that you can be punished by doing so and the punishments vary: you can be either expelled from the school or suspended. What other ways of inproper behaviour do you know?
- Skipping school?
- Yes, omitting classes can lead to failing a year and not graduating. You should attend classes regularly in order to do well. What else can you think of?
- Talking aloud during classes and interrupting the teacher?
- Oh yes, it is very disrespectful and shows that students do not respect the teacher and other students' will to learn.
- Being late, not doing homework and cheating during exams, for examples using cribs?
- As well. And do you know how a student should behave at school?
- Do homeworks, listen to the teacher, make notes and of course attend school.
- Have good manners and respect the teacher, be active during classes, help other people...
- Great! I can see you can distinguish between favourable and disrespectful behaviour!
- The application time is coming up, so I would like to bring up the topic regarding universities. Have you already applied to your dream schools?
- Yes, the enrolment to the uni I want to attend has already started last weeks. I sent the papers needed for the application, but I still need to wait for the exam results.
- Does anyone want to attend a vocational school?
- Yes, I am thinking about it. In my opinion it gives more opportunities in the future and I will acquire skills needed for my dream job. I will have only such subjects that are necessary.
- That sounds interesting. Is anyone taking SAT exams? Oh, I can see there's quite a few people.
- I decided to do it, because I apply to the universities in America. SAT exams allow me to be admitted without having to pass additional tests and I will have another document confirming my education.
- Does anyone have to pass aditional oral or written exams?
- Probably I will have to do this, because I want to study in Germany and I need a language certificate to be admitted to the universities there. I will need to write an essay, have a conversation with the examiners, probably do some listening tasks and present my writing skills.
- How about entrance tests? Does anyone have to meet such requirement?
- Yes, I do, because I want to study medicine. There are many people who want to study so such exams are compulsory.
- It sounds like a busy time for all of you guys. I wish you all the best with your exams.
To na tyle :) Oczywiście dialogów mogą być tysiące, dlatego spróbujcie może się nimi pobawić? Mam nadzieję, że przyda się wam praktyczne zastosowanie różnych zwrotów i słownictwa związanego ze szkołą. Ponawiam przy okazji pytanie, czy są zainteresowani maturą międzynarodową IB (International Baccalaureate)?
I'm impressed! These situations are full of details and I'm sure that writing them took you long time.
ReplyDeleteU góry w słowniczku powtórzyłaś słówka deadline i submit. Kogoś niezaznajomionego z językiem może to zmylić.
ReplyDeleteBardzo przydatne dialogi, szczególnie dla tych, którzy mają w planach naukę za granicą. Dużo różnych zwrotów, słówek związanych z tematem. Nie jest również książkowo:) Szkoda tylko, że nie pojawiły się bardziej skomplikowane rozmówki, bo nie napotkałam wiele nieznajomych mi zwrotów, a mój angielski raczej nie jest perfect.
Mimo to, bardzo fajne;)
O, dzięki za zwrócenie uwagi! Zaraz poprawię :)
DeleteMiło słyszeć, że post się spodobał. Staram się zawsze podejść trochę niekonwencjonalnie do tematu i następnym razem może pomyślę o trochę trudniejszych zwrotach. Może masz jakiś konkretny pomysł? Pozdrawiam! :)