Hello everyone, it`s a pleasure to write another post for you. Now we are more or less in the middle of spring (which came late, but came at all!) and are looking forward for the hot and long summer. The weather is so unpredictable, that`s why I decided to produce this post. Although we normally associate board games with long and cold winter afternoons and evenings, I would like to encourage you to play a couple of games during rainy and gloomy spring and summer days. So, here we go - board games!
If you are fond of games involving physical movement, there is no better choice than TWISTER! People play it on a plastic mat that is spread on the floor. The mat has for rows of coloured circles: red, yellow, green and blue. The spinner (+/- wskaźnik) is used to decide where the player has to put his/her right foot, left foot, right and left hand. The spinner is also divided in the sections corresponding to colours. After spinning, a player has to for example "put right hand at a yellow field". The rules differ according to the number of players. If there are two people playing, they cannot put their hands/legs on the same circle. Sometimes the players are forced to (zmuszeni) assume very unusual positions as a result of the spinner`s decisions:) A player is eliminated when he or she falls, or touches the ground with their elbow, knee, or any other part of the body, except for feet and palms. There is no limit as to the number of players, however the best idea is to play Twister by four people.
Another game of physical (but also mental) skill is JENGA. It is played with 54 wooden block as you can see in the picture. To start the game its participants (uczestnicy) have to build the initial tower with 18 levels of three blocks placed on one another. Each level has to be put in the opposite direction in relation to the previous one. Once the tower is built, the game starts. The players have to remove one element by one from the tower and put it on the top of the tower. As the tower grows up, it is less and less stable, since the pieces from its construction are moved out and put on the top. The centre of gravity (środek ciężkości) is affected during the game and finally the tower must collapse! Then the game ends; the winner is the last person to remove and place a block successfully.
The one that I probably enjoy most is called SPOT IT!, in Poland known more as DOBBLE. In this game there are 55 cards with 8 different symbols each (like in the picture). The symbols differ in size across the cards. Any two cards have exactly one and only one the same symbol in common. The game consists in (polega na) taking one card from the stack (stos) and spotting the same symbol as in the previous card. The person who spots (spostrzega) the same symbols faster gets the card. Later, the winner is the person who has collected more cards. This rule can be modified - instead of collecting cards, these can be divided between the players beforehand and during the game the players get rid of (pozbywają się) the cards with the same symbols.
I guess the last game in this post is the most familiar to everyone. MONOPOLY is extremely popular all over the world and has probably the most different types from among these games that I am describing. MONOPOLY is simply an imitation of enterprise (przedsiębiorczość). Using a small board, we roam through (przemierzamy) the whole Europe, or any other continent, or a country. We may buy and sell properties (nieruchomości). The game offer a lot of very interesting ideas, solutions and unexpected situations that we may face running our own business (prowadząc własny interes). The game is quite complex and it is almost impossible to describe its rules here. Let me just write that it is so entertaining that it may sometimes take hours to play (or maybe even days!) and the truth is that there are cases in which the players have to decide when to stop. Of course the winner is the person who collects the largest sum of money. There can be also losers (przegrani) in this game. So be careful not to GO BANKRUPT! (zbankrutować).
I hope you`ve enjoyed this really short review of these games. It is interesting to see your opinions on these and also other games that we may play. Share your experience and memories with us!
If you are fond of games involving physical movement, there is no better choice than TWISTER! People play it on a plastic mat that is spread on the floor. The mat has for rows of coloured circles: red, yellow, green and blue. The spinner (+/- wskaźnik) is used to decide where the player has to put his/her right foot, left foot, right and left hand. The spinner is also divided in the sections corresponding to colours. After spinning, a player has to for example "put right hand at a yellow field". The rules differ according to the number of players. If there are two people playing, they cannot put their hands/legs on the same circle. Sometimes the players are forced to (zmuszeni) assume very unusual positions as a result of the spinner`s decisions:) A player is eliminated when he or she falls, or touches the ground with their elbow, knee, or any other part of the body, except for feet and palms. There is no limit as to the number of players, however the best idea is to play Twister by four people.

I guess the last game in this post is the most familiar to everyone. MONOPOLY is extremely popular all over the world and has probably the most different types from among these games that I am describing. MONOPOLY is simply an imitation of enterprise (przedsiębiorczość). Using a small board, we roam through (przemierzamy) the whole Europe, or any other continent, or a country. We may buy and sell properties (nieruchomości). The game offer a lot of very interesting ideas, solutions and unexpected situations that we may face running our own business (prowadząc własny interes). The game is quite complex and it is almost impossible to describe its rules here. Let me just write that it is so entertaining that it may sometimes take hours to play (or maybe even days!) and the truth is that there are cases in which the players have to decide when to stop. Of course the winner is the person who collects the largest sum of money. There can be also losers (przegrani) in this game. So be careful not to GO BANKRUPT! (zbankrutować).
I hope you`ve enjoyed this really short review of these games. It is interesting to see your opinions on these and also other games that we may play. Share your experience and memories with us!
I looove board games :D I have bought a new board games in a charity shop, it's similar to Monopoly, it's called Home Improvement. It was the bargain of my life, the game was brand new, unpacked, it cost originally $40 and I only paid $4 :D
ReplyDeleteI love Jenga as well, it is so much fun ;)
From 40 to 4$ sounds like a really nice life bargain!:)
ReplyDeleteWow great blog, i really love games, but i dont have much time to play. Monopoly is one of my favourites, but it takes so lobg to play it, i havent recently done it
ReplyDeleteThat's true, Monopoly t's a great game, but very time consuming. But I reckon it's a great game for many people, it's a lot of fun :)