Vocabulary about family - hopefully you'll find it useful. Share your family story with us! Do you have any sibling? Are you close with your family?
Practice the vocabulary as well.
Have fun :)
mama - mom (mother)
tata - dad (father)
babcia - grandma (grandmother)
dziadek - grandpa (grandfather)
ciocia - aunt
cousin - kuzyn/kuzynka
sibling - rodzeńśtwo
sister - siostra
brother - brat
parents - rodzice
grandparents - dziadkowie
great grandparents - pradziadkowie
daughter - córka
son - syn
granddaughter - wnuczka
grandson - wnuczek
twins - bliźniaki
triplets - trojaczki
nephew - bratanek/siostrzeniec
niece - siostrzenica/bratanka
sister-in-law - szwagierka
brother-in-law - szwagier
father-in-law - teść
mother-in-law - teściowa
step-sister - przyrodnia siostra
step-brother - przyrodni brat
step-mother - macocha
step-father - ojczym
half-sister - przyrodnia siostra
half-brother - przyrodni brat
extended family - dalsza rodzina
family ties/bonds - więzi rodzinne
I get along well (dobrze dogaduję się) with my brother.
My parents are very supportive of me (wspierający).
I like spending time with my sibling.
I wish I could keep in touch with my cousing (utrzymywać kontakt).
Complete the family tree:

Abraham is Marge's...
Maggie is a ..... of Patty
Herb is Mona's ....
Jackie is Lisa's...
Bart is a .... of Homer
Ling is a .... of Maggie
Abraham is Lisa's...
Jackie is Homer's...
Using the words below, complete the family bonds (więzi rodzinne). Odpowiedzi są na biało
father grandchildren uncle aunt brother parents grandma grandfather cousins sister-in-law twins
Mom of my dad is my... GRANDMA
Sister of my husband is my... SISTER-IN-LAW
... are the same siblings.TWINS
Brother of my dad is my... UNCLE
My son is a .... to my daughter. BROTHER
My mom’s husband is my ...FATHER
Kids of my mom’s sister are my ..... COUSINS
Father of my brother’s father is... GRANDFATHER
My dad’s sister is my... AUNT
Children of my daughter are my... GRANDCHILDREN
My mom and my dad are my... PARENTS
Hello! Spełnienie moich marzeń - takiego bloga potrzeba wszystkim! Congrats! :)
ReplyDeleteCzy jest możliwość informowania siebie nawzajem o najnowszych notkach? Jeżeli tak, to proszę o odpowiedź na moim: RS.XX.PL :)
I have this opportunity to say that I'm quite well with my extended and nuclear family :) My two best friends are my cusins as well ant it gives us much more occasions to meet.
ReplyDeleteThat's so great! I think that having a family that supports you and stands beside you is invaluable. Lucky you! :)