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Friday, September 28, 2012

[60] How to effectively learn languages: MOTIVATION, czyli jak ją odzyskać?

dziś wyjątkowo po polsku, ponieważ temat dotyczy MOTYWACJI!
Ile razy zazdrościłaś koleżance tego, że tak świetnie mówi po angielsku albo nie ma problemów z gramatyką, po czym mówiłaś sobie DOŚĆ, też tak chcę i od dziś siedzę codziennie po godzinie i zakuwam? Zapewne nieraz znalazłaś się w takiej sytuacji, jak my wszyscy. Efekty? Żadne, po tygodniu albo odpuszczałaś, albo w ogóle nie zaczęłaś. A czas mijał, najpierw tydzień, potem miesiąc, dwa... Co z tym w takim razie zrobić?!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

[59] Sounds made by animals

In view of the fact that I`m suffering from writer`s block and I`m trying to get motivated (that`s why I have been impatiently looking forward to Raszka`s new post since I noticed its topic :D), today I am going to present some less serious stuff, but perhaps really useful in some situations (when for example you may want or need to produce a detailed description of something). The topic is sounds that are made by various species of animals. Please, pay attention to the third column in which I gathered onomatopoeic words and compare these sounds to your own, native languages. Do dogs bark in the same way in Polish and English? How about German or other languages? Have fun! :)
Friday, September 14, 2012

[58] Psychology, sociology and behaviorism

http://www.cognitionetc.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/mental-illness.jpgHello everyone,
sorry for posting that so late, but I've caught a cold;( Autumn is definitely not my favourite season.
The post today has been requested by a girl who would like to improve and extend her vocabulary connected to psychology, sociology and behaviorism in order to prepare herself for studying abroad. I am happy to help her, that's why I invite you all to get familiar with new vocabulary and some psychological facts. Enjoy!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

[57] Moje wrażenia z obozu języka angielskiego

Witam wszystkich serdecznie i przepraszam za długie milczenie, spowodowane brakiem internetu.

W dzisiejszym poście chciałabym podzielić się z czytelnikami moimi wrażeniami z obozu językowego, oczywiście na terenie Anglii. Być może wyczytacie tu coś, co zachęci was do takiego wyjazdu i pomoże się przygotować.
Sunday, September 2, 2012

[56] The game of chess - vocabulary and a short lesson

Hi! Today the topic of my article will be completely different from what I have been focusing on so far. I want to write a few words about chess - one of the most popular (if not the most popular) board games in the world. In this post you will find some vocabulary related to the game and you can just learn it, or use it when necessary (Also, I put some more interesting words or phrases in bold). For those who are more interested in the topic I am going to give some kind of instruction, or tips, how to play (succesfully;P). Have fun reading the article!
